September 13, 2024
News/Events The Secretariat WBF Calls

Western Balkans Fund online “Awarding Ceremony” for the 3rd Call for Proposals

Western Balkans Fund organized today its “Awarding Ceremony” online to celebrate together the success with grantees of the WBF 3rd Call for Proposals. This first meeting is the next step forward into the implementation phase of the new projects.

This Award Ceremony is a traditional event that marks the commencement of the stage within the grant management of WBF, this year the WBF adjusted its approach due to COVID19 restrictions by organizing ceremony virtually.

Part of the award ceremony were all 24 grantees of the 3rd Call for Proposals that enabled them share their ideas also learn from our founders how important regional cooperation is even in unusual circumstances.

We are thankful to each and everyone for their positive approach and for making this experience very special for us.

Participants of the award ceremony were addressed by WBF Executive Director Gjergj Murra and representatives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs from Western Balkans showing great support for the process.