September 11, 2024
The Secretariat Uncategorized WBF Calls

Western Balkans Fund announces the list of grant awarded projects of the First Call

The Western Balkans Fund has the pleasure to announce the grant awarded projects through its First Call for Regional Proposals, which had been publicly launched on November 15, 2017.

18 projects from the six Contracting Parties of WBF, will receive grants of up to EUR 12’000. In total, 84 organizations from the Western Balkans are collaborating in these 18 projects that connect our region in fields of cultural cooperation, education and scientific exchanges and promotion of sustainable development. The organizations leading the groups of grantees origin to equal amounts from the six Contracting Parties (three initiatives per Contracting Party).

With the publications of the list of finalists, the WBF has started the phase of contractual procedures with the 18 lead organizations. This phase is expected to be concluded within April 2018, in order to open the way for the implementation of the projects.

The evaluation of the projects highlighted the potential and capacities of the civil society actors of the region, its educational institutions, associations of culture, sports, arts, and clusters of business, and their interest in cooperating and hereby creating regional impact through people to people contacts.

The WBF would like to emphasize that the selection was very competitive, since due to budgetary reasons, only 18 grants can be awarded to a total of 351 applications. There were many more beautiful regional projects to choose from, and the WBF hopes to be able to do so in the future.

The Western Balkans Fund would like to thank all the applicants of 351 projects (in total 1298 organizations from the WB region) for their time, consideration and participation to the WBF First Call. We reassure you that this is just the beginning of a new collaboration era in the Western Balkans! We are committed to the success of the 18 projects chosen for our first grants, and we will keep our partners and friends posted on their progress.

Please keep following the Western Balkans Fund!


Find below the detailed list of the Grand Awarded Projects of the WBF First Call.


WBF First Call Grant Awarded Projects