February 15, 2025


“Western Balkans Civil Society Summit”, organized by Western Balkans Fund with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan is taking place at 27-29 of February 2020 in Tirana. This big event, which is happening for the first time, will have in focus all the civil society organizations which are giving a significant contribution on the regional cooperation.

The preparations for the summit have started months before, and now we are on the final phase of implementing it. More than 70 civil society representatives among the region will meet together in Tirana, to discuss about the future recommendations how regional cooperation should be enhanced and also develop new partnerships and bridges in the region.

The Western Balkans Fund, among other tasks on its mission and ongoing process, is fully engaged on delivering an excellent event in Tirana on the end of February.

In the summit there will be some very important actors as a key note speaker do deliver their messages and support regional cooperation. They will share their experience on the field but also take recommendations from the civil society representatives which will have a strong voice during the days of the summit. Their work and experience will be valuable to have a clear view of the future of Western Balkans.

Western Balkans Fund is looking forward to the Summit to welcome all the champions of regional cooperation. We are sure that the “Western Balkans Civil Society Summit” it will be a great achievement for the region and a way towards future objectives and cooperation.