February 15, 2025
The Secretariat

WBF staff project evaluation training at the IVF Secretariat, Bratislava

4-15 December 2016

In the framework of the technical assistance program, the Western Balkans Fund Secretariat staff participated in a project evaluation and selection training at the International Visegrad Fund premises in Bratislava on 4 -15 December 2016.

The purpose of the training was to raise the capacities of the WBF staff concerning grant giving procedures and project evaluation and selection modalities. This hand-on training not only served as a professional exercise but also showed the continuous cooperation and exchange between the two Institutions.

WBF Secretariat Staff met with IVF senior staff and project coordinators. In this occasion, they gave their opinions regarding the very recently established IVF project evaluation new criteria and the ways the new criteria may positively impact the objectivity of the evaluation and selection process.

WBF Secretariat Staff during the training and the several meetings organized in this occasion took advantage of the multi-year experience of IVF dealing with grant management and project evaluation procedures.