September 11, 2024
MOVE Grants News/Events The Secretariat

WBF Move Grants. We heard you!

Your feedback has made WBF MOVE Grants better and closer to your needs.

In December, we asked you to help us by participating in a survey, with the goal of making the upcoming WBF Move Grants as closer to your needs possibly.

561 organizations and citizens from the Western Balkans Region participated in our survey, providing tremendous feedback, on which we acted.

As a result, the WBF Move Grants have moved in many directions by you required.

Western Balkans Fund deeply appreciates your special contribution and hopes to build upon this experience to be even closer to your needs and necessities in the future.


  • 98% of you are interested in Mobility Grants. As a result, we will support mobility more prominently.
  • 80% are interested to cooperate with partners in the Region regarding mobility. As a result, we add further incentives for expanding Regional Cooperation.
  • 92% would like (72 strongly, 20 moderately) to expand their partnerships at a regional level. We love this number and we are here to support exactly that.
  • Only 50% of participants have some experience with mobility grants. With our simple application form and MOVE frequent Calls, we aim to increase the number of beneficiaries.
  • It has been up to three times more likely to obtain a mobility grant from International or EU institutions, than from Regional (like WBF). MOVE Grants aim to reduce the gap.
  • 92% of you believe that young professionals and researches should be the main beneficiary of mobility grants. 89% students and 81% academic staff. We are tailor-making our grants specifically to address this population.
  • What type of regional mobility actions interests you? 85% educational exchange. 80% study tour. 72% traineeships/internships. 69% cultural exchange. Those are types of actions that we will support strongly in the framework of MOVE Grants.
  • 50% have no experience with matching grants. The ones who have, are twice more likely to have experience in matching with a donor located in EU. Move aim to increase both the share of beneficiaries and as well, the share of Regional donors.
  • In matching, as requested by our survey participants, we will support strongly good regional practices (72%), sustainability (60%) and strengthening of regional relevance and communication (56%).  

Explanatory Note: In the questions the percentages don’t add up, this is because we asked people to rate the specific question from not relevant to very relevant. In the question what type of regional mobility actions interest you, 85% of the survey participants stated that educational exchange is very relevant or relevant. 80% stated that study tours are very relevant or relevant, etc.