February 15, 2025
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WBF Logo Competition – the Winners

WBF Logo Competition – the Winners

Tirana, 27 December 2016

The non-winning applications, judged as interesting, will be exposed in a roll-up banner during WBF activities throughout the Region.

On October1’st 2016, the WBF Secretariat launched a Call with the object: “Preparation of the WBF Logo”. The Call deadline was on 31 October 2016.

During the Call:

• 56 Universities in the region were contacted;

• 37.696 Individuals from the target group were reached through the Facebook posts;

• The Facebook post was shared 46 times;

• The competition notification was shared 15 times in other web sites and portals;

The response was great and the Secretariat received 51 qualitative proposals from the graphic design and other forms of visual arts students in the region. After a careful consideration and a comprehensive and transparent process of selection, in which all the MFA’s of WBF Contracting Parties, were engaged, the winning applications were selected. The first prize winner will represent the official Logo of the Western Balkans Fund. The logos that were not selected but were judged as interesting will be exposed in a roll-up banner during WBF activities throughout the region. Certificate of Recognitions were sent to all the participants in the competition and to the top three winners was provided a Gratitude Diploma and a financial reward, respectively: 500; 300 and 200 Euro.

First Place – The winner:

Mr.Shpat Komoni  from Pristina



The rationale behind the winning logo






Second Place

Mr. Stefan Mijic from Banja Luka

Third Place

Mr. Gent Shala from Pristina