Western Balkans Fund News/Events News/Events WBF-EU jointly launch the “Regional Networking and Dialogue Sessions”
News/Events Regional Dialogue and Networking Sessions Skopje The Secretariat

WBF-EU jointly launch the “Regional Networking and Dialogue Sessions”

Today, in Skopje, together with the European Union, we are proud to launch a new regional platform for all.

The Networking and Dialogue Sessions is a new platform of extensive discourse, giving voice to relevant stakeholders in the identification of innovative, creative and wise solutions applicable at large scale.

In this objective, the Western Balkans Fund is leveraging its unique bridging role between the governments and Civil Society Organisations.

In Skopje, the thematic session is dedicated to the education and research.

The ”Networking and Dialogue Sessions” are co-funded by the European Union, in the framework of the “Supporting the promotion of Civil Society regional actions in the Western Balkans”, phase II of the project.


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