January 18, 2025
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WB Green Deal: Environment protection map for stakeholders

“Creating a Cross-Border Network for Socio-Economic Sustainability through Protection of Nature” project has mapped current obstacles and stakeholders engaged in environment protection operations.

The findings are currently available for the three Contracting Parties where the project operated, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo.

Funded by the Western Balkans Fund as part of the 4th Call for Proposals, this paper aims to provide a broader, long-term and sustainable tool for the newcomers, grassroots organisations and stakeholders of the “Green Deal”.

The paper is a product of the cooperation between the Foundation for Local Autonomy and Governance (FLAG), the Agency for Management of Protected Areas (AMPA) of Podgorica and the Kosovo NGO Environment and Youth Capacity Development (EYCD).

The 4th Call for Proposals projects are co-funded by the European Union, IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.