January 13, 2025
Prishtina Uncategorized

The WBF supports regional dialogue, including the one upon peace building and reconciliation processes

The WBF supports regional dialogue, including the one upon peace building and reconciliation processes. On Saturday (June 15, 2019), one of the WBF’s project from the Second Call launched its first panel in the National Gallery in Prishtina. The WBF Project coordinator (Ms. Dijana Spalevic) attended the panel which have gathered over 30 women to addressed the question of “How different generations of activists can work and collaborate in order to maintain a more united stance in the feminist struggle from women’s empowerment in their respective communities, but the region as well?”.

The conclusion of the panel refers to that the younger generation appreciates what the experienced and well known feminists and activists from the WB6 region have achieved so far, and importantly for the (paved and/or) paving the way for the future generations work. Additionally, peace building and reconciliation processes need to be continued; borders should be passed individually and collectively, including that all (inter-generation) experiences must be respected, listened and supported.

The following feminist and activists panel sessions will take place at the “PitchWise” festival in Sarajevo, which will be organized by the Foundation “Cure” from Sarajevo, in direct partnership with the Foundation “Jelena Santic” from Belgrade and Center for Research and Gender Policy from Prishtina.

The panel was hosted by the “FemArt” festival in Prishtina, under the WBF funded panel “Inter-generational dialogue on Feminist activism in (post-)Yugoslav space” at the National gallery. The event was organized under the project “Women’s Talks”, funded by the WBF and headed by the Foundation “Jelena Santic”, in direct partnership with the Center for research and gender policy from Prishtina, and the Foundation “Cure” from Sarajevo.

The panel gathered different generations of the respective and well known feminists and activists from the WB6 region: Zana Hoxha-Krasniqi, Jadranka Miličević, Lepa Mlađenović, Vildana Džekman, Sanja Dojkić, Liridona Sijarina. Panel was an opportunity to run a dialoge and address the question of “How different generations of activists can work and collaborate in order to maintain a more united stance in the feminist struggle from women’s empowerment in their respective communities, but the region as well?”.