Ten days have passed since the launch of the Fourth Call for Proposals of the WBF Move Grants, and preliminary data shows a significant interest from individuals in the Region.
Earlier this week, an Online Info Session received 57 participants. There will be two more, on March 5 and 12, with over 100 people registered.
The visits to our website and the Online Grant Application System have peeked, with over 1.000 daily visits.
Meanwhile, in social media, the announcement of the Call for Proposals went viral, with over 250.000 views on Facebook and Instagram.
All this data, combined with the preliminary data of applicants, make us believe that this Call of WBF Move Grants can become the best to date.
WBF Move Grants Scheme became active in 2023 as part of the efforts to diversify the Grant Portfolio of the Western Balkans Fund.
It supports the mobility of individuals in the Western Balkans Region, with a focus on target groups such as young people, students, academic staff, Civil Society activists, public administration employees, media, artists, athletes and more,
In three Calls for Proposals received over 400 applications, with 85 awarded grants.
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation supports the institutional strengthening of the Western Balkans Fund. WBF Move Grants are part of that support.