Ivana Glisevic Djurovic
Program CoordinatorIvana is joining the WBF team today as program coordinator and will be overseeing Montenegrin projects.
Ivana studied economics at the Faculty of Economics in Podgorica, where she obtained a Master of Science in Economics degree. We welcome her to WBF with over 18 years of professional experience, including more than 16 years of experience in planning and programming, monitoring, and evaluating EU-funded projects.
She was the National IPA Coordinator, working on coordination of the overall EU assistance in Montenegro, and Negotiator for Chapter 22 – Regional Policy and coordination of structural instruments. Among other things, Ivana has participated in and led the preparation of Operational Programmes for cross-border cooperation and transnational programmes within IPA I and IPA II and coordinated and oversaw the implementation of Cross-Border and Transnational Cooperation Programmes.
She was a member of various Government working groups on reform processes, such as the National Investment Committee, Council for cooperation between Public Administration Bodies and NGOs, Working Group for the Economic Reform Programme of Montenegro, and RESPA Programme Committee.