February 15, 2025
News/Events The Secretariat

Survey of the dissemination plan

10 December 2021

WBF Secretariat and Project Unit have completed successfully its dissemination plan of the period covered by this Newsletter. Upon completing each info session, attendees were presented with the Q.R. code that directly brought them to the prepared online survey.

The direct feedback from the potential grantees is of great importance to the WBF, as it is a learning tool that helps future growth and improvement of the Calls for Proposals, hence, the Fund itself. This survey provided deep insight for future info sessions. The overall number of participants totals 206, which averages 17 participants per info session.

Some of the most valuable findings are:

The participation on a gender basis was divided between 59% female and 41% male.

Young professionals, many of the founders of grassroots organisations, are the leading group attracted from EU/WBF joint action. 42% of the participants in the Info Session were between 25-34 years old, and 30% were from 35-44 years old.

56% of the participants were representatives of Civil Society Organisations. The rest was split between cultural organisations, universities, research institutions, public authorities, business clusters, non-for-profit, and foundations.

92% had straightforward access to the venue of our Info Sessions, but some (8%) encountered difficulties often related to the local regulations of Covid-19. 92% had a better understanding of the joint action after participating in an Info Session, 95% understood better the eligibility criteria, and all felt the Info Session were rich in information.