December 6, 2024
News/Events Regional Dialogue and Networking Sessions The Secretariat

Skopje, final day of Regional Networking & Dialogue

Today, in Skopje, for the second and the last day of our new platform of networking and dialogue.

Focused around the common challenges and opportunities in the field of education and research, the Session connected in one place important stakeholders from all our Contacting Parties.

The findings and recommendations will be presented in a large Regional Conference that will take place in Spring 2025.

The tour of Regional meetings will continue, as we continue in our mission to give voice to all regional stakeholders and find relevant, innovative and creative solutions that work for all.

In this quest, the Fund is fully utilizing its bridging role between the governments and the Civil Society Organisations.

The Regional Networking and Dialogue Sessions is co-funded by the European Union, IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance III.