January 13, 2025
News/Events Success Stories WBF Calls

Second Joint Action starts

The cooperation between the EU-WBF has been a success. This is not only what we believe, but also what Brussels’ underlined in the recent assessment of our Fund.

Thanks to the important achievements of the 1 CFP, we are now delighted to share that the Joint Action will continue supporting Civil Society Organization’s and stakeholders in our region for the next two years (2024-25).

With the launch of the new phase of cooperation, we aim to introduce an even more successful and engaging mechanism to support civil society organizations. The new mechanism, named the “Empowering Regional Cooperation Grants” (ERC Grants), will boast the largest portfolio ever allocated to CSOs in the region, doubling the current maximum threshold awarded per grant.
The upcoming 2024-25 Joint Action will comprise two main components. Firstly, direct financial support through grant schemes launched respectively in Spring 24’ and Autumn 24’. Secondly, Capacity development activities on a Regional Scale to support CSOs and grass-root organizations in Applying, Implementing, and Reporting on Regional Projects