February 15, 2025
News/Events Sarajevo The Secretariat

Sarajevo Info Session closes the third week of the regional tour

2 December 2021

Sarajevo Info Session, which took place today at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Hercegovina, closes the third week of our regional meetings with stakeholders and potential beneficiaries.

Ambassador Miranda Sidran, Head of the Department for OSCE, Council of Europe, and Regional Initiatives at the MFA, welcomed the participant with a speech highlighting the importance of WBF as a unique mechanism that promotes regional cooperation.

WBF Executive Director Dr. Murra also welcomed the participants, underlining some of the major achievements of our organization and encouraging Civil Society Organisations to apply “en masse” in the fourth call for proposals.

On behalf of the European Delegation to Sarajevo spoke Mr. Vladimir Pandurevic, programme manager for Civil Society, EIDHR, Youth and Culture at the Delegation. In his short remarks, Mr. Pandurevic emphasized the importance of reconciliation and cooperation for the European future of the Western Balkans.

He also underlined the total devotion of the EU Delegation in Sarajevo to support regional initiatives, such as ours.

After their remarks, the WBF team delivered a two-hour presentation regarding the current call for proposals.

Ambassadors, representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, CSOs, potential grantees, and media participated in the Sarajevo Info Session.

Next week, our team travels to Podgorica, where we will deliver the following presentation on Monday, 6 December (12.00), at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs premises.

WBF’s fourth call for proposals is co-funded by the European Union through IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.