January 18, 2025
The Secretariat Uncategorized WBF Calls

Press Release Western Balkans Fund successfully completed its Info Sessions regarding the First Call for Regional Project Proposals

In the framework of its First Call for Regional Projects, the Western Balkans Fund (WBF) organized Info Sessions in the six Capitals of the region, between November 21 and December 8, 2017. The WBF Secretariat staff presented the Guidelines of the Call in Tirana, Podgorica, Sarajevo, Skopje, Prishtina and Belgrade, during one of the most successful experiences since the beginning of the operations of the WBF.

During each event in the different Capitals it is worth underlining the great interest and expectations from the Civil Society Organizations (CSO), universities, schools, associations of arts, culture and sports, local authorities, chambers of commerce and industry, media organizations and also other non-profit stakeholders.

More than 600 participants in the sessions were informed in details about the Fund and the Call, while also their questions, requests and proposals were taken.  More than 60 direct questions and many other issues and discussions were recorded during the sessions, and some of the most important answers were published in the Fund official website.

The First Info Tour was also a very useful learning experience and an enriching process for WBF itself, for better knowing the needs and expectation of our stakeholders and for adjusting our working instruments accordingly.

In the light of creating better communicating channels, WBF shaped a Partnership Platform, in order to give another opportunity to the CSOs to communicate and link to each other in the region. WBF remains the first regional initiative which gives an opportunity to the CSOs of the region to connect and work together.

Using this opportunity, we would like to thank all our stakeholders for their active participation in the events. Also, our most sincere thanks to all the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the WB6 for their great support, and especially our partner organizations in the Western Balkans for sustaining our organizational work during all these events and meetings.

More info: www.westernbalkansfund.org

Contact: alban.tartari@westernbalkansfund.org