6 December
Podgorica is the last capital in the WB6 region to welcome an Info Session.
At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Montenegro, today we welcomed Civil Society Organizations and other potential beneficiaries from our cross-border grant scheme.
On behalf of the host, the Ministry, at the Info Session spoke Majda Gluscevic, Adviser at the Directorate for Regional and Other International Organizations from the MFA (as the host of the event).
On behalf of the European Union, which co-funds our action, remarks were delivered by Ana Margarida Tome de Freitas Mariguesa Lorentzen. She also stressed the support of the EU Delegation to Montenegro to projects that incite deeper cooperation between neighbouring countries.
After their remarks, the WBF team delivered a two-hour presentation regarding the current call for proposals.
WBF’s fourth call for proposals is co-funded by the European Union through IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.
Podgorica Info Session is the 12th and last of our regional tour, but interested stakeholders will have another opportunity to meet us through a virtual Info Session, announced soon on this web page.