January 20, 2025
The Secretariat Uncategorized

Lively debates during two-days WBF evaluation panel proceedings aiming to select the best projects

During two days, on 4-5 of March 2019, the Evaluation Panel of WBF Second Call for regional projects, composed by WBF Secretariat team and two external experts took place. The Panel was fully engaged in finalizing the evaluation of 54 best regional projects, nine for each WBF Contracting Party, out of around 250 Applications received during the WBF Second Call.

The projects were presented following the alphabetic order of WBF Contracting Parties Capitals, beginning from the highest scored from evaluators, during their individual reading.

Each project was presented by a relator, who justified the overall evaluation/scores and after, all member of the Panel (who have read all the projects under consideration) made questions, asked for clarifications and added further information, in order to get a more elaborate opinion on each specific project.

After the presentations/discussions for the projects, each Panel member was invited to establish a ranking list of the best 6 projects (4 recommended and two in the reserve list), following the below criteria:

The Panel members provided the rationale for their score/ranking and, after the relevant discussions and the calculation of all the scores, the Recommended List of the proposals to be financed, was created.  The balance distribution of the projects among WBF Contracting Parties and among WBF Areas of Intervention was highly taken into consideration, during delivering/ranking procedures of the Panel.

The List, soon, will be delivered to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of all WBF Contracting Parties, for their endorsement, to be followed by the final approval by the WBF Conference of Ministers of Foreign Affairs.

In general, for all of us in the WBF Secretariat, the overall conclusion of this important process is that, based on the high quality of applications, the awarded projects of the Second Call, will bring further elements to nurture regional cooperation in Western Balkans, enhancing people to people contacts in our region, through joint activities and common projects of civil society and other regional stakeholders