January 18, 2025
News/Events The Secretariat

IMPORTANT NOTICE – All you questions have been replied

4 CfP FAQ FINAL10 December 2021

Dear potential beneficiary of the WBF/EU joint action

Since the opening of our call on 8 November 2021, we have received numerous questions regarding many aspects of our grant scheme.

As anticipated, we have replied to all of them, ten working days before the deadline of our current call to give the applicant a proper amount of time to address any uncertainty.

In this document, you will find the answer to the questions you have posed in person during the Info Sessions in 12 different locations (two per each Contracting Party) and the ones that you have submitted through our official email address: info@westernbalkansfund.org

The official reply document to all questions is useful not only to the ones who have reached us, but to anyone who is currently in the application phase because clarifies many important details regarding the eligibility of applicants, eligibility of costs, and many other aspects.

Regarding possible technical difficulties, please write to our support at any given moment – support@wbfportal.org  

THE OFFICIAL LIST OF REPLIES – 4 CALL FOR PROPOSAL (Co-funded by European Union through IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance)