January 20, 2025
ERC Grants News/Events The Secretariat

Important Announcement: Winners of the ERC Grant Scheme

After a careful evaluation process, conducted in cooperation with four independent experts and lasting over two months, the Western Balkans Fund is pleased to announce the final list of Empowering Regional Cooperation Grant winners.

The ERC Grants, co-funded by the European Union, represent the largest grant scheme ever launched by the Fund, with a total grant amount of up to €30,000 per project.

The Call, aimed at Civil Society Organizations, was launched on 9 May and remained open until 20 June 2024. A total of 277 Civil Society Organizations submitted applications, with 145 passing the eligibility test.

Following the evaluation panels in August and thorough negotiations with the grant winners, we are delighted to announce the successful organizations today.

To celebrate this occasion, the Western Balkans Fund will host a gala reception tomorrow, culminating in the Award Ceremony for the grantees.