September 13, 2024
News/Events The Secretariat

Happy Europe Day from the WBF!

For over 70 years, the European Union has brought our continent an unprecedented era of peace, growth and prosperity.

In our Region, the vision of a fully integrated WB area into the family of European Nations has become a driving force that forges large-scale cooperation and reconciliation.

However, living in a dangerous and volatile world, we believe that today, more than ever, we need more European Union in our hometowns, families, and lives.

The Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950 began with this paragraph: Europe will not be made all at once or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements, which first create a de facto solidarity.

This couldn’t be truer today for the Western Balkans Area and the Western Balkans Fund.

For us, the EU is a key strategic partner. Thanks to the co-funding of the 4 and 5th Call for Proposals, our portfolio of projects and regional impact has been greatly enhanced.

We trust that the long initiated together back in 2021, when we signed our first contract agreement, will continue to be long-lasting and highly beneficial to our regional stakeholders.

Happy Europe Day!