September 7, 2024
News/Events WBF-IVF Fellowship

Fellowship Open! Find answers you are looking for here

On 15 April 2024, the Western Balkans Fund and the International Visegrad Fund launched a groundbreaking new mechanism of cooperation between our two regions.

The Western Balkans-Visegrad Fellowship will provide funding opportunities for individual short-term stays for V4 and WB6 scholars, lecturers, academic staff, researchers, and scientists in two main directions—citizens of V4 countries can apply to relevant host institutions in the Western Balkans (WB6), and citizens of the WB6 region can apply to relevant host institutions in V4 countries.

Where can I go?

The university, research institution, or other eligible institution you choose is entirely up to you. The only limitation is the region where you are eligible to apply. If you hold citizenship to one of the Western Balkans Fund Contracting Parties, you can only go to V4 countries, such as Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia. Applications outside the V4 region will be automatically disqualified.

The same applies to individuals residing in V4 countries. You are only eligible to apply at an eligible institution of your choice in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia.

Who can benefit?

Anyone who meets these two conditions is eligible.

First, to hold an eligible citizenship (WB6 or V4).

Second, to be a doctoral student or hold a PhD.

What will be the size of the support?

We will support the applicants with a scholarship of 500 Euros per week, plus a lump sum to cover transportation costs. You can spend up to 10 weeks in the chosen institution. The maximum amount one applicant can get is 5,000 Euros and transportation fees for 10 weeks.

What kind of institutions are eligible?

The type of potential host institution is not prescribed but should be relevant to the nature of the fellowship. In general, the program is intended to provide access to private or public higher-education institutions (colleges, universities, science academies), research bodies, libraries/archives, laboratories, etc.

Do you provide support in finding the right institution for me?

No, we will not provide any direct contact or support in locating the right institution because this can be seen as favoring one or another host. All the aforementioned types of institutions are eligible. In total, there are hundreds of potential hosts in each of the eligible countries for you to choose.

How can I apply?

The application process is easy and costless. All applications will be processed through the dedicated application portal of the Visegrad Fund – APPLY HERE

You only need a valid ID document, a scan of the doctoral diploma or proof of enrollment in a doctoral study, a letter of invitation, and a letter of recommendation. For more details, please visit CLICK LINK HERE

When is the deadline for applications?

15 June 2024 is the last day we will accept applications.

When will the Fellowship start?

The intended fellowships can start in September 2024 at the earliest and must be concluded by June 2025.

Do you have any other questions? We are available for you at Follow us because shortly, we will announce an Online Information Session with all interested stakeholders.

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  • This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.