EU singles out WBF-made “success stories”
PUBLISHED ON WEBALKANS IN 30 JANUARY 2025 The 5th joint EU and Western Balkan Fund (WBF) call for projects focused on strengthening regional focused on strengthening regional cooperation, and.
PUBLISHED ON WEBALKANS IN 30 JANUARY 2025 The 5th joint EU and Western Balkan Fund (WBF) call for projects focused on strengthening regional focused on strengthening regional cooperation, and.
The U-13 Balkans Cup in Niksic was more than just a competition—it became a bridge of friendships for the young girls who participated. Among them was Erisa Tershalla, who traveled.
Milan Ivanic is one of the beneficiaries of the “U-13 WBF-sponsored Basketball Cup” held in Niksic. Together with his team, he travelled from Novi Sad and supervised a stunning performance.
In October, young girls under the age of 13 from across the region gathered in Niksic to participate in the WBF-funded U13 Regional Basketball Cup. The event was action-packed, featuring.
In September, 7 young female writers, selected among 153, were awarded with the WBF-funded “Štefica Cvek” literary prize. It is a prize that celebrates the collective impact of feminist and.
This year’s winners of the regional award “Štefica Cvek” were announced in mid-September, in Sarajevo, as part of the PitchWise festival of women’s art and activism. The regional literary community.
Blidinje Natural Park is famous for its legends and myths, antic necropolis, magnificent beauty and its healing properties. It is also the inspiration for the Eco-Friendly Colony, a unique initiative.
Sara Boçi traveled from London to Prishtina for a special appointment to follow her dream of becoming an author. The appointment: Workshop with Pulitzer Prize winner Gregory Pardlo at the.
Haris Sahačić, from Sarajevo, is the Head of Administration and Radio at Crvena Association for Culture and Art. For “Crvena”, art and activism are aesthetical, social, and political tool for.
A unique initiative funded by the 6th Call for Proposals of the Western Balkans Fund addresses the dangers posed by social media platforms to 10-11-year-old children. The Mediawise Project, led.
Tanja Dimitrijevic, from Niš, wears many hats – activist, podcaster, artist, content creator, coach, educator, and consultant. With extensive experience in communication and a recent focus on podcasting, Tanja embarked.
We believe that equality, diversity, inclusion, and progress are paramount to ensuring a European future for the Western Balkans Region. That’s why we have decided to support the mobility of.