Gastronomic map of Western Balkans
16 July Aiming to strengthen regional identity and increase awareness on the similarities of traditional cuisine in Western Balkans...
16 July Aiming to strengthen regional identity and increase awareness on the similarities of traditional cuisine in Western Balkans...
June 27 2019 “Together for impact” – 3 days Boot Camp has been launched yesterday (June 26th, 2019) in Skopje. The Boot Camp has gathered 60 participants out of which.
June 18 2019 The WBF supports regional dialogue, including the one upon peace building and reconciliation processes. On Saturday (June 15, 2019), one of the WBF’s project from the Second.
On 11 of February, in Tirana “Balkan Girl Power” exhibition, a project financed by Western Balkans Fund and implemented by Social Contract Institute (SCI) was launched. The project provided opportunities.
Today, in Tirana was presented the regional study within the project “Creating synergy in Western Balkans for strengthening education, research and science”, supported by Western Balkans Fund. It was implemented.
On January 21st ,on the occasion of 2019 Western Balkans Fund (WBF) Prishtina Chairmanship in Office, WBF Executive Director, Mr. Gjergj Murra and Program Manager Ms. Dafina Beqiri were received.
A film festival, bringing experts of cinematography and young people together in the Western Balkans As the master of cinema, Fellini says: “There is no end. There is no.
“Challenge History 2 – REACT for the Future” summer school kicked off on July 22nd 2018 in Prizren with 23 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia. The.
We would like to share with you a Call for Applications, from the Center for Peace and Tolerance (CPT) and its project partners, a project supported by the Western Balkans Fund.
Pristina – On 30 March 2017, the National Parliament in Pristine ratified the Agreement on the Establishment of the Western Balkans Fund, becoming the last participant to conclude the.
NGO Lady organized the first kick off meeting in Prishtina, this meeting gathered all six project partners powered by Western Balkans Fund aiming to reinforce retrospective and impressions with a.
Leading organization: CYA KRIK, Skopje Project partners: Youth Center Perspektiva Durres and Center for Education and Training Prizren About the project: In Western Balkan region people with disabilities are facing.