Calendar of WBF Project activities for July
July 9 2019 The implementation of supported projects is in process. Check out WBF activities for the month of July.
July 9 2019 The implementation of supported projects is in process. Check out WBF activities for the month of July.
June 27 2019 “Together for impact” – 3 days Boot Camp has been launched yesterday (June 26th, 2019) in Skopje. The Boot Camp has gathered 60 participants out of which.
May 23 2019 Western Balkans Fund Secretariat organized in Tirana the Partnership Workshop with Grantees from 24 Winning organizations of WBF Second Call. (4 from each WB6 contracting parties). The aim.
NGO Lady organized the first kick off meeting in Prishtina, this meeting gathered all six project partners powered by Western Balkans Fund aiming to reinforce retrospective and impressions with a.
On June 17th, in Skopje, the European Policy Institute (Epi) in co-operation with the Albanian Institute for International Studies (lead applicant) and the European Movement Serbia organized the panel-discussion “European ?? integration.
On June 17, in Tirana was conducted the first kick off meeting of WBF 2nd Call Project, “Regional Export Promotion”. The main goal of the project is to increase? export promotion.
Leading organization: CYA KRIK, Skopje Project partners: Youth Center Perspektiva Durres and Center for Education and Training Prizren About the project: In Western Balkan region people with disabilities are facing.
The WBF supports regional dialogue, including the one upon peace building and reconciliation processes. On Saturday (June 15, 2019), one of the WBF’s project from the Second Call launched its.