February 15, 2025

Call for Proposals (Logo)

Tirana, 1 October 2016

Competition to Design the Western Balkans Fund Logo

Western Balkans Fund (WBF) is a newly created regional entity and is in the process of establishing its procedures, structures and documentation, including its visual identity.

The LOGO of the Organization is of considerable importance in this regard.

Western Balkans Fund invites all students of Graphic Design, or any other related field, to generate, and to submit their original, innovative ideas for the future official LOGO of the Western Balkans Fund
About Western Balkans Fund (WBF)

WBF is a regional entity established by the governments of the Western Balkans with the purpose to promote cooperation and strengthen relations between the contracting parties, promotion of common values between citizens, civil society and institutions in the region, by strengthening cooperation and people to people contacts.

The Fund aims to achieve these goals by supporting common projects and by sharing mutual experiences, values, traditions and culture from the Western Balkans Region.

The Fund’s budget will be created by contributions from contracting parties, in equal quotas, as well as funds received from donors: countries, organizations or other sources.

1- Eligibility Criteria and Participation to the Competition

Participation is open to students in the fields of Graphic Design or to students, or talented individuals in other forms of visual arts from one of the Western Balkans Contracting Parties (Albania, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, KosovoÝ, Montenegro and Macedonia).

Each candidate can submit only one proposal.

All candidates must be at least 18 years old

2- The logomust have the following features: 

  • Be original and unique. It must convey uniqueness of project; be conceived specifically for this competition; aesthetically effective; easy to discern (brand awareness); adaptable to various dimensions, surfaces and usages, both in colour and black/white.
  • Does not violate or infringe the rights of third parties, including copyright, brands, patents and all other types of intellectual property.
  • Does not contain effigies, photographs, or other identifying elements without due authorization.
  • Be compatible and adaptable to a variety of contents, surfaces and screens, and to all means of communication, both web and print.

Please note: The WBF motto is: “Supporting Common Projects”.

3- Requested format for proposals and modes of submission

  • Each participant may submit only one proposal in the form of one (1) PDF, which will include description and philosophy behind the logo and one (1) JPG, only the logo.
  • Full contact details must also be included in the PDF version together with the description and the logo.
  • The files must be named as follows: Name + Surname of the applicant + Capital
  • The applicants must submit the logo proposals to the address info@westernbalkansfund.org
  • At the end of the competition the winning logos should be presented in the vector file format in the Program Adobe Illustrator (AI or EPS)

4- Awards

The jury panel will select three winners, first prize, second prize and third prize.

The winners will be awarded with a total amount of 1000 Euro (500 Euro/300 Euro/200 Euro). The winning logo will become the logo of the Western Balkans Fund and the winner of the competition will have the possibility of longer term cooperation with the institution.

The logos that will not be selected but will be judged as interesting, will be shown on an exhibition that will be exposed during WBF activities throughout the region.

Deadline: October 30-th 2016, midnight

For further information or if you have any questions, please contact Ms. Valbona Dedja: 00355698128389; 00355(0)42400420;valbona.dedja@westernbalkansfund.org


*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSC 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.”