January 18, 2025
News/Events The Secretariat

Call for Interns is OPEN!

Taking in consideration the successful experience of past internship programs, both for us in the Secretariat and our group of interns, WBF is happy to launch today the new Call for Interns, aiming to provide an opportunity to up to two interns from WBF Contracting Parties.

The Program is financially supported by the International Visegrad Fund and is intended as a jump start to students/young professional to enhance their knowledge about regional cooperation and specific objectives of WBF through a two-week Program, at the WBF Secretariat premises, in Tirana, Albania.

To qualify for the internship, you must be under 25, fluent in English and resident of one of the Contracting Parties of the Western Balkans Fund (Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia).

The internship is tailor-made to provide knowledge in Grant Management and Public Relations and Communication.

The WBF will cover the costs of transport to and from Tirana, accommodation during the stay and pocket money for the expenses.

Applicants are invited to submit a full application, in English language.

To apply, download and fill the application form and send it together with a CV at info@westernbalkansfund.org