Western Balkans Fund News/Events WBF Calls ERC Grants Calendar of ERC Grants Info Sessions
ERC Grants News/Events The Secretariat

Calendar of ERC Grants Info Sessions

With a grant size of up to 30,000 EUR, the Empowering Regional Cooperations Grants (ERC) is the most ambitious grant scheme we have ever launched.

To ensure a proper participation to anyone, we would love to get the chance to meet you in person to explain what you should do to benefit from the ERC or the other grant schemes that we provide:

We will be in

☑️ Tirana, 20 May, from 11:00 – Europe House
☑️ Podgorica, 20 May, from 12:00 – Upbeat Hub
☑️ Prishtina, 21 May, from 10:00 – Europe House
☑️ Skopje, 21 May, from 14:00 – Public Room
☑️ Sarajevo, 22 May, from 12:00 – Europe House
☑️ Belgrade, 23 May, from 11:00 – Impact Hub

Anyone can attend the Info Session of their choice. After the regional tour, Info Sessions will be provided online. For the exact dates, please follow our webpage and social media channels.

The ERC Grants are co-funded by the European Union, IPA III.

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