September 19, 2024
Education & Research Tirana

Breastfeeding benches installed in Shkodra

Thanks to Western Balkans Fund funding, breastfeeding and changing benches have been placed in Shkodra Central Park.

The rapid development of the cities in most of the Western Balkans Region has not always taken into account the needs of young mothers and their infants.

This is why, this project implemented earlier also in Bar and Trebinje, tries to raise awareness about the better integration of all the needs of our citizens in the development of urban sphere.

The benches are part of the regional project “Partnership for Mother and Babies”, implemented by the Civil Voice of Montenegro, Gruaja tek Gruaja and Zenski Centar Trebinje, financed by the Western Balkans Fund and the European Union, IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.