January 13, 2025
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“Birds Without Borders” camp – raptor monitoring in Kupreško polje (30. August – 3. September 2018)

The second cross-border camp “Birds Without Borders” for biology students and researchers will be organized from August 30th until September 3rd on Kupreško polje in Bosnia and Hercegovina and hosted by Ornithological society Naše ptice in cooperation with Center for Protection and Research of birds from Montenegro, Protection and Preservation of natural environment in Albania and The Macedonian Ecological Society (MES) from Macedonia.
The camp will be focused on monitoring of raptor species and such activity will be organized for the first time in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The venue of the camp, Kupreško polje is a karst polje which represents one of the centres of biodiversity of Bosnia and Herzegovina and accordingly has significant role in life and survival of large number of species, especially raptors.  Hundreds of birds visit Kupreško polje each year, in order to rest and feed before long and exhausting migration or cold winter. Most common species that can be observed in Kupreško polje include the Lesser Kestrel (Falco naumanni), which is listed as and extinct breeder in the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina, endangered Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus), numerous buzzards (Buteo buteo), harriers, kites, the Short-toed Snake Eagle (Circaetus gallicus), Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) and other raptors. The camp activities will contribute to the increase of knowledge about the raptors – their daily movements, the most represented species, most attractive zones for foraging etc. The ringing of falcons is planned as well.
The camp is being organized as a part of the “Birds without Borders” project which is supported by the Western Balkans Fund (WBF), established with the aim of improving the cooperation of the Western Balkans countries and accelerating integration into European Union.
Birds Without Borders-BWB expresses not-country-borders-tied nature of the bird species migration and need for joint interventions in order to contribute to the preservation of birdlife diversity in the Adriatic Flyway migration route. This project aims to empower and strengthen cross-border cooperation of environmental civil society organization in the Western Balkans.

For more info please click: http://ptice.ba/en/kamp-birds-without-borders-camp-raptor-monitoring-in-kupresko-polje-30-august-3-september-2018/