November 9, 2024
News/Events The Secretariat

5th CFP, drawing interest from all around the World

6 June 2022/

From Peru to New Zealand, Zimbabwe to Nepal, South Korea to Costa Rica, citizens of the Western Balkans living all around the World are showing interest in our Call for Proposals.

Since 20 May 2022, WBF Applicant Portal has been accessed or viewed in at least 117 countries outside our region.

We are impressed and inspired by the number of ideas that aim to enhance cooperation and Reconciliation in our shared home.

Now the stage is all yours!

Only 48 hours remain until the deadline of our Call for Proposals. This Friday, 16.00 CET, the system will close automatically, and we will start the next phase of the 5th Call for Proposals, the evaluation stage.

Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in our history’s largest Call for Proposals.

The 5th Call for Proposals is co-funded by the European Union, IPA – Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.