September 19, 2024

1st Call for Proposals

Lead Applicant – Club for Youth Empowerment 018

Project Name – Street Art in the Balkans

Partners: 1. BRAVO Association, BiH 2. Alter Center, Macedonia 3. Dolori Association, Albania

Lead Applicant – Dokufest

Project Name – Rethinking films – regional intercultural film school for young people

Partners: 1. PravoLjudski Film Festival, 2. Bosnia&Herzegovina; 3. Pancevo Film Festival, Serbia

Lead Applicant – South East Europe Social Contract Institute

Project Name – Balkan Girl Power

Partners: National Youth Council of Macedonia, Macedonia

2. Organization for Promoting Activism, Serbia 3. NGO iACT, Montenegro 4. ARTPOLIS, Kosovo*.

Lead Applicant – Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA)

Project Name – Balkan regional youth forum – Intercultural Dialogue and Cooperation

Partners: 1. Local Democracy Agency of Prijedor, BiH 2. Local Democracy Agency ,Kosovo 3. Local Democracy Agency, Albania, 4. Local democracy agency, Montenegro, 5. Agencijalokalnedemokraije, BiH , 6. Centarlokalnedemokratije LDA ,Serbia 7. AgencijalokalnedemokratijeZavidovići, BiH

Lead Applicant – ECPD Danubian Centre for Cross-border Cooperation

Project Name – 6th Global Youth Forum: YOUTH POWER FOR THE COMMON FUTURE

Partners: 1. Economic Society of Albania (ESA), Albania 2. FON University, Macedonia 3. VAMK University, Finland 4. ECPD – European Center for Peace and Development, Serbia

Lead Applicant – History teachers association in Bosnia and Herzegovina EUROCLIO HIP BiH

Project Name – CLIO in the Balkans – Enhancing history teacher’s network and improving the practice of teaching history as tool for reconciliation in the region

Partners: 1. Udruženje za društvenuistoriju –UDI Euroclio , Serbia 2. Asocijacijanastavnikaistorije u Makedniji ANIM , Macedonia 3. UdruženjeprofesoraistorijeCrne Gore HIP MONT, Montenegro 4. Shoqata e MësimdhënësvetëHistorisësëKosovës SHMHK, Kosovo

Lead Applicant – Association for care and general rights of children “Naša djeca” Zenica

Project Name – If stories could walk, if cities could talk

Partners: 1. Tačkakomunikacije, Serbia 2. SEGA, Macedonia

Lead Applicant – Center for peace and tolerance

Project Name – REACT FOR THE FUTURE: Reflection, Education, Action, Commitment, Together

Partners: 1. Democracy Plus, Kosovo 2. Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Serbia 3. CIVIL MK – Center for Freedom, Macedonia 4. Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Macedonia 5. United World College Mostar, BiH

Lead Applicant – European Movement Albania (EMA)

Project Name – Creating synergy in Western Balkans for strengthening education, research and science

Partners: 1. Balkans Policy Research Group (BPRG),Kosovo 2. European Movement Novi Sad, Serbia

Lead Applicant – Centre for South East European Law School Network (SEELS)

Project Name – Education4Progress: Regional Cooperation to Improve EU Law Teaching

Partners: 1. Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus” Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia 2. Faculty of Law, GoceDelchev University of Shtip, Macedonia; 3. Faculty of Law, University of Tirana, Albania; 4. Faculty of Law, University Sarajevo, BiH; 5. Faculty of Law, University of Zenica, BiH; 6. Faculty of Law University, “DžemalBijedić” University of Mostar, BiH 7. Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, Serbia 8. Faculty of Law, University of Niš, Serbia

Lead Applicant – Green Initiative of Vojvodina

Project Name – “Into the future without water?!” TV documentaries “Green Patrol in Action”

Partners: 1. NGO “Molika”, Macedonia 2. NGO “Euromost”, Montenegro

Lead Applicant – Trade Union of Administration of Republika Srpska

Project Name – Summer School “Bringing EU closer to young workers from the region – meeting good practices and learning more on labor policies and measures”

Partners: 1. Trade Union of Workers of Administration, Judicial Bodies and Citizens’ Association of the Republic of Macedonia 2. Trade Union of Administration and Justice of Montenegro 3. Trade Union of Administration of the Republic of Serbia

Lead Applicant – IPKO Foundation

Project Name –

Partners: 1. Share Foundation, Serbia 2. Metamorphosis, Macedonia 3. Open Labs, Albania

Lead Applicant – Center for Protection and Research of Birds (CZIP)

Project Name – Birds Without Borders –BWB

Partners: 1. Macedonian Ecological Society (MES), Macedonia 2. Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA) ,Albania 3. Ornithological Society “NašePtice” (NP), Bosnia and Herzegovina

Lead Applicant – Association for Democratic Prosperity – Zid

Project Name – Regional CSO platform advocating social innovation under employment policies that guarantees security for youth at risks

Partners: 1. Youth Cultural Center- Bitola, Macedonia 2. National Association of Youth Workers, Serbia 3. LENS,Kosovo 4. Beyond Barriers Association, Albania 5. South East European Youth Network, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Lead Applicant – NGO Green Step

Project Name – Importance of Protected Areas for Economic Development

Partners: 1. NGO Green Step,Montenegro 2. NGO Triton, Montenegro 3. NGO ERA,Kosovo* 4. NGO TOKA, Albania

Lead Applicant – CID – Center for Information and Development

Project Name – Digital Girl of the Year

Partners: 1. Innovation Centre Kosovo, Kosovo 2. ESTIMA Macedonia, Macedonia

Lead Applicant – Macedonia 2025

Project Name – Strengthening cross-border cooperation and relations in the Western Balkans through people-topeople contact of young entrepreneurs

Partners: 1. CANSEE Canadian Serbian Business Association, Serbia 2. Bosnian American Friendship Association – Project “RESTART”, BiH

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence